Tork Motors

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Tork Motorcycles, a pioneering manufacturer of high-performance electric bikes and charging infrastructure, is proudly based in Pune, India. The company was founded in September 2016 by the visionary Kapil Shelke, whose college project, the impressive ‘Tork TX-01,’ won at the esteemed Isle of Man TT races in 2009. This significant triumph paved the way for Tork Motorcycles. With the slogan “born on the racetrack, unleashed on the streets,” the company has a strong racing heritage that reflects its steadfast dedication to creating top-notch electric vehicles.

Tork Motorcycles is dedicated to research and development, using a data-driven approach. This commitment to innovation has attracted investors and established Tork Motorcycles as a major player in India’s growing electric vehicle (EV) industry. Additionally, the company is supported by the FAME-II Central subsidy scheme. This government initiative promotes the adoption of EV technology in India. Tork Motors’ flagship product is the T6X, an electric motorcycle designed for urban commuting. The T6X is known for its innovative features, including a lithium-ion battery pack, a digital display, and a claimed top speed of around 100 km/h (62 mph). Later, Tork Motors announced that its much-awaited, state-of-the-art electric motorcycle, T6X, had been renamed as the Tork Kratos.

The company is leading the electric bike revolution in India. We have all the critical elements to deliver exhilarating, sustainable, and cutting-edge transportation options to enthusiasts and the environmentally conscious. Our founder, Kapil Shelke, has established Tork Motorcycles as a symbol of high-performance electric mobility with a strong foundation in racing excellence. We have received substantial investments, follow a data-driven approach, and have government endorsement through the FAME-II scheme. With all these advantages, Tork Motorcycles is perfectly positioned to revolutionize the electric bike industry in India, providing a greener and thrilling alternative for contemporary transportation needs.


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